Focus in Exporting Design


Three US importers will arrive in Brazil next week to take part in a special Buyer’s Project with designers from the Projeto Raiz – an initiative developed by Apex-Brasil and Sindmóveis Bento Gonçalves to boost exports of services provided by designers. The business meetings will be held in São Paulo on Nov 3 and 4, in Rio de Janeiro on Nov 5, and in Bento Gonçalves on Nov 6.

Studios participating in the project in the state capital of São Paulo include Fahrer Design, FIXTTI – Camila Fix and Flávia Pagotti Silva, Girona Design, NDT Design, Paulo Alves, Quadrante Design, Studio B and Studio Marton. In Rio, importers will meet designers representing EM2 Design, Estudiobola, Guto Indio da Costa and Mameluca. In Serra Gaúcha, the participating studios are Eulalia Anselmo, Faro Design and Marta Manente. There will be more than 50 meetings in the three cities, which are likely to generate business for licensing and exporting designer products.

The importers are from the United States in compliance with the strategic positioning created by the project for the design studios. The guests consist of retailers of BDI USA, Matter Matters Switch Modern. The Buyer’s Project coincides with the Design Week in Rio de Janeiro, held from Nov 4-8 democratizing the access to design and enhancing the city potential as a center of creative industry.

The Projeto Raiz represents the design branch within the Orchestra Brasil Project, developed since 2006 by Apex-Brasil and Sindmóveis. The new brand expresses the combination of cultures that feed the national creativity.