High Design Expo: Salão Design Award winners ceremony on Aug 9


The Salão Design Award brings together its judging panel, supporters and award winners for its 21st award ceremony, which will be held on August 9 at the High Design Home & Office Expo in São Paulo. The prizes will include eleven awards, nine honorable mentions, three Master Teacher trophies and one Alternative Woods Award. The ceremony will take place at the end of the day at Salão Design booth at the fair.

Organized by Sindmóveis Bento Gonçalves for 30 consecutive years, the Salão Design Award is proud to be a consolidated project that reveals new talents, showing to the market the best of the designer production of furniture and accessories. Every year we are surprised by entries featuring striking identity and a harmonious undeniable emotional character, which does not mean they have less marketing potential. There are hundreds of stories about talent and dedication behind the projects entered,” says the director of the award, Eduardo Nuncio.

Throughout its history, the Salão Design Award has received 13,584 entries. This year’s judging panel was formed by designers Brunno Jahara, Glaucia Binda, Ivens Fontoura, Nicole Tomazi and Paulo Biacchi – who evaluated the 776 projects entered and later the 30 finalists that were submitted to their assessment. The final phase had the 24 winners from four countries: Austria, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay.

The product chosen as the most innovative this year was designed by a student at PUC-RIO, Daniel Ruben Nasajon and his teacher Cláudio Freitas de Magalhães. It is a piece of portable cutlery called Biko, considered by the jurors to be an excellent commercial object for daily, democratic and rational use. Its design consists of a foldable, beak-shaped artifact, ideal for holding small portions of food.

Learn about all the award-winning products by visiting the show from August 8 – 10 at High Design – Home & Office Expo, DW! São Paulo Design Weekend anchor fair. The participation in the event will also kick off the registration for the 2018 Salão Design Award, which will be open from August 8 to October 2.

For more information, visit www.salaodesign.com.br.


Award winner designers


Students: Daniel Ruben Nasajon; Carolina Rocha + Lúcia Correa; Isabela Fraga Raposo; Felipe de Carvalho Madeira


Master Teachers: Cláudio Freitas de Magalhães (PUC Rio); José Silva (Udelar, Montevideo, URU); Marcelo Massaharu (PUC Rio)


Professionals: Plataforma4; Claudio Sibille; Estudio Claro; Ivan de Sá Rezende;  Estudio Diario;  Eduardo Borém; Mara Luisa Köber; Nolli; Doña 3D.COM; Maurício Siquinelli Nakane;


Industries: Donaflor Mobília designed by Adolini+Simonini; Líder Interiores designed by Vecci and Lansky Arquitetura


Alternative Woods Award: Alfio Lisi



HIGH DESIGN – Home & Office Expo

Date: August 8 – 10, 2017, 10 am to 8 pm

Venue: São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center – Rodovia dos Imigrantes, Km 1,5

Information and registration: www.highdesignexpo.co