Designers move towards regulating their profession


Bill brought before the Chamber of Deputies ensures the exercise of the activity for those who have been working for more than three years
Bill number 1.391/11 was approved on Wednesday by the Committee for Labor, Administration and Public Service of the Federal Chamber, which regulates the profession of designers in Brazil. Since last week, a committee of designers had been meeting with federal representatives to study changes in the text to facilitate its approval by the Committee on the Constitution and Justice. The final step concerns the sanction by President Dilma Rousseff.
Determinations set forth in the bill establish that the Ministry of Labor will be responsible for the registration, control and supervision of the profession. Moreover, those who have been working for more than three years have assured their rights rather than the five-year period proposed in the first draft.
The new director of Salão Design, Cristiano Gallina, took office on Wednesday evening, lamenting the lack of regulations regarding professional designers today. Gallina mentions that, although there are several professional associations and organizations, designers have no legal representation or recognition for lack of a national council. “The furniture sector and the Salão Design competition will benefit greatly from this achievement. The moment a profession has been a recognized in the country, people can work on more solid foundations, ensuring more professional and reliable work” he says.